Conference Contributions

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Kaharuddin, A: Aboveground biomass estimations of Zostera marina seagrass by remote sensing reflectance. Baltic Sea Science Congress 2023, 21.-25.08.2023 (Poster Award)


Choo S, Wiese J, Borchert E, Hentschel U: Polaribacter septentrionalilitoris sp. nov., isolated from the biofilm of a stone from the North Sea. Annual Conference 2020 of the Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM). Leipzig, Germany, 08.03.2020 - 11.03.2020 (Poster)

Choo S, Langer S, Schulz-Vogt H: Microbial Life and Phosphorus Cycling Along Salinity and Redox Gradients. 3rd Baltic Earth Conference 2020. Virtual, 02.06.2020 - 03.06.2020 (Talk)

Lorenz M, Klingbeil K, Burchard H (2020). Impact of Evaporation and Precipitation on Estuarine Mixing Relations. The Virtual Physics of Estuaries and Coastal Seas Seminar Series (V-PECS), 25 November 2020 (Talk)

Lorenz M, Klingbeil K, Burchard H (2020). Impact of Evaporation on Estuarine Mixing Estimates. Ocean Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California, USA, 16-21 February 2020 (Talk)

Lorenz M, Klingbeil K, Burchard H (2020). Quantifying estuarine exchange flows in a thermohaline framework. COMMODORE, Hamburg, Germany,28-31 January 2020 (Poster)

Wang,M., Liu, H., Lennartz, B. (2020). Small-scale Spatial Variability of Hydro-physical Properties of Differently Degraded Peat. EGU General Assembly (online), 4-8th May 2020. (Poster)


Böttcher ME, Jenner A-K, Westphal J, von Ahn CME, Lipka M, Sültenfuss J, Schmiedinger I: Aquatic and isotope biogeochemistry of ground water development in relation to SGD in North-Eastern Germany. SGD-Workshop. Bremen, Germany, 12.07.2019 (Talk)

Böttcher ME: Biogeochemistry of Land-Ocean interactions in Coastal Seas. DFG SPP Workshop Antarktis-Coastal processes. Rostock, Germany, 03.06.2019 - 04.06.2019 (Talk)

Böttcher ME: Stable isotopes in Biogeochemistry and (Paleo)Hydrology of the Baltic Sea. Alfred Wegener Institut, Seminar. Bremerhaven, Germany, 16.05.2019 (Talk)

Choo S, Langer S, Schulz-Vogt H: Microbial Life and Phosphorus Cycling Along Salinity and Redox Gradients. SAME16 - 16th Symposium of Aquatic Microbial Ecology. Potsdam, Germany, 01.09.2019 - 06.09.2019 (Poster)

Gutekunst C, Bartel A, Günther A, Jacobs O, Jurasinski G, Koebsch F, Tonn C, Huth V (2019): The effect of topsoil removal and Sphagnum spreading on the net greenhouse gas balance of a rewetted peat bog, WETSCAPES Konference, Rostock, Germany. 10.09. - 13.09.2019 (Talk)

Jenner A-K, Westphal J, Schmiedinger I, Moore WS, Scholten J, Mallast U, von Ahn CME, Rach B, Beyer F, Grenzdörffer G, Böttcher ME:Isotope biogeochemistry of exchange of water and substances across a Baltic Sea-peatland interface. European Geoscience Union annual meeting 2019. Vienna (Austria), , 07.04.2019 - 12.04.2019 (Poster)

Jenner A-K. Westphal J, Schmiedinger I, Liu B, Rach B, Böttcher ME: Dynamics in the isotope biogeochemistry of a SGD-impacted coastal aquifer after a storm event. SGD-Workshop (SGD_WS). Bremen, Germany, 12.07.2019 (Poster)

Jenner A-K, Westphal J, Liu B, Rach B, von Ahn CME, Schmiedinger I, Böttcher ME: Dynamics in the biogeochemistry of a SGD-impacted coastal aquifer and the impact of storm events. V.M.Goldschmidt Converence 2019. Barcelona, Spain, 18.08.2019 - 23.08.2019

Jordan SFA, Treude T, Leifer I, Janßen R, van der Lee E, Köser K, Schneider von Deimling J, Schulz-Vogt H, Schmale O (2019) Bubble-mediated transport mechanism: process parametrisation and effects on the pelagic methanotrophic community. Goldschmidt Abstracts 2019 1568, Barcelona. (Talk)

Jordan SFA, Treude T, Leifer I, Janßen R, Werner J, Schulz-Vogt H, Schmale O (2020) Bubble-mediated transport of benthic microorganisms into the water column at methane releasing seep sites: Identification of methanotrophs and implication of seepage intensity on transport efficiency. Ocean Science Meeting 2020, CP14A-1033. (Poster)

Jordan SFA, Treude T, Leifer I, Schulz-Vogt H, Schmale O (2019) Bubble Shuttle: A bubble-mediated bentho-pelagic transport mechanism of methanotrophs and a first study at the Coal Oil Point seep field to identify the controlling parameters. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21 EGU2019-6401, 2018, EGU General Assembly 2019. (Poster)

Kreuzburg, M., Rezanezhad, F., Voss, M., Feldens, P, Rehder, G.: Influence of submerged peat deposits on methane production in coastal regions by submarine groundwater discharge - controlled carbon release. EGU, 7-12th April 2019, Vienna (Talk)

Liebner S,  Unger V, in ‘t Zandt M, Wen X, Koebsch F, Horn F, Rehder G, Sachs G, Zak D, Lischeid G, Knorr K-H, Böttcher ME, Winkel M, Bodelier PLE, Frank J, Rijkers R, Jurasinski G: Microbial response to peatland degradation and rewetting. Wetscape conference. Rostock, Germany, 10.09.2019 - 13.09.2019

Lorenz M, Klingbeil K, Burchard H (2019). An estuarine mixing relation including inverse estuaries. Warnemuende Turbulence Days, Vilm, Germany, 9-12 December 2019 (Talk)

Lorenz M, Klingbeil K, Burchard H (2019). Total Exchange Flow (TEF) in temperature-salinity space: Further insights in exchange flows. Gordon Research Conference, Manchester, New Hampshire, USA, 16-21 June 2019 (Poster)

Lorenz M, Klingbeil K, Burchard H (2019). Total Exchange Flow (TEF) in temperature-salinity space: Further insights in exchange flows. Gordon Research Conference, Manchester, New Hampshire, USA, 15-16 June 2019 (Talk)

Lorenz M, Klingbeil K, MacCready P, Burchard H (2019). Numerical issues of the Total Exchange Flow (TEF) analysis framework for quantifying estuarine circulation. MMS Days 2019, Kuehlungsborn, Germany, 20-22 March 2019 (Poster)

Strehse R (2019) The influence of salt water on the composition and molecular structure of peat derived dissolved organic matter (DOM). WETSCAPES Konference, Rostock, Germany. 10.09. - 13.09.2019 (Talk)

von Ahn C. M. E., Rach B., Westphal J., Lipka M., Jenner A.-K., Schmiedinger I., Böttcher M. E. (2018) Temporal and spatial variations in the isotope biogeochemistry of surface waters from the land–sea at southern Baltic Sea interface. EGU General Assembly, 7-12th April 2019, Vienna. (Poster)

von Ahn, CME, Lipka M, Westphal J, Jenner A-K, Schmiedinger I, Böttcher ME: Diversity in the hydrogeochemical composition of ground waters escaping along the North-Eastern German coastline. SGD-Workshop (SGD_WS). Bremen, Germany, 12.07.2019 (Poster)

Wang,M., Liu, H., Zak, D., Lennartz, B. (2019). Effect of Anisotropy on Solute Transport and Phosphate Release in Peatlands. EGU General Assembly, 7-12th April 2019, Vienna. (Poster)

Westphal J.,Jenner A.-K., Schmiedinger, Moore W. S., Scholten J., Mallast U., von Ahn C.M.E., Rach B., Böttcher, M.E. (2018) Isotope biogeochemistry of exchange of water and substances across a Baltic Sea-peatland interface. EGU General Assembly, 7-12th April 2019, Vienna. (Poster)


Brunnabend, S-E., Gräwe, U., Lange, X., Meier, H.E.M. (2018) "Water exchange through the Danish Straits with global mean sea level rise", PECS Conference, 14-19 October 2018, Galveston, Texas, USA.

Burchard, H., MacCready, P., Geyer, W.R., Klingbeil, K., Lange, X. (2018) "The Knudsen and Total Exchange Flow relations for mixing in estuaries" EGU General Assembly, 8–13 April 2018, Vienna, Austria.

Fernández-Fernández, L.-E., Westphal, J., Schmiedinger, I., Kreuzburg, M., Bahlo, R., Koebsch, F., Böttcher, M.E. (2018) Sulfur isotope biogeochemistry of soils from an episodically flooded coastal wetland, southern Baltic Sea: Implications for proxy formation. GeoBremen, September 24 – 29, 2017, Bremen

Forster, S., Renz, J., Morys, C., Powilleit, M. 2018. The Potential of Bioirrigation – an Approach to capture Macrofauna Induced Solute Transport at the Sediment-Water Interface with an Index. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA.

Friedland, R., Buer, A-L., Dahlke, S., Lange, X., Maar, M., Ritzenhofen, L., Schernewski, G. (2018) "Mussel aquaculture in a low saline coastal waters: a potential for Blue Growth in the Baltic Sea?" Littoral Conference, 22 – 26 October 2018, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Friedland, R., Buer,A-L., Lange, X., Ritzenhofen, L., Dahlke, S., Schernewski, G. 2018. "Spatial modelling as supportive tool for the site selection of mussel farms" AMK Meeting 18-21 April 2018, Braunschweig, Germany.

Gosch, L., Janssen, M., Lennartz, B. (2018)Hydraulic properties of coastal fen peat as subjected to seawater impact. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA. (Talk)

Gosch, L., Janssen, M., Rezanezhad, F., Lennartz, B. (2018) Impact of increased sulfate concentrations on fen peat. Workshop “Peat under Water”, 5-6 September 2018, Salem/Malchin, Germany. (Poster)

Haider, F., Sokolov, E., Sokolova, I. 2018. Combined effects of salinity and sediment reworking on burrowing behavior and bioenergetics of a marine bioturbator, the soft shell clam- Mya arenaria. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA. (Poster)

Haider, F., Sokolov, E. P., Sokolova, I. M. 2018. Bioenergetic mechanisms of the combined impacts of salinity and disturbance on bioturbation capacity of a soft shell clam Mya arenaria. Annual meeting Society for Experimental Biology 2018, 3-6 July 2018, Florence, Italy (Talk)

Ibenthal (now Toro), M., Ptak, T., Massmann, G., Lennartz, B., Janssen, M. (2018) Calibration of a groundwater flow model to determine governing processes that drive groundwater flow between a coastal peatland and the Baltic Sea. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA. (Poster)

Ibenthal (now Toro), M., Ptak, T., Massmann, G., Lennartz, B., Janssen, M. (2018) Marine and terrestrial influence on submarine groundwater discharge in coastal waters connected to a peatland. ARGE-Grundwasserversalzung und Topsoil Workshop, 6.-7.March 2018, Bremen. (Talk)

Ibenthal (now Toro), M., Ptak, T., Massmann, G., Lennartz, B., Janssen, M. (2018) Identifying groundwater exchange processes in a coastal peatland at the Baltic Sea: Field and modeling results. FHDGGV, 21.-24. March 2018, Bochum. (Talk)

Ibenthal (now Toro), M., Ptak, T., Massmann, G., Lennartz, B., Janssen, M. (2018) Determination of governing processes that drive groundwater flow between a coastal peatland and the Baltic Sea. SWIM, 17.-22. June 2018. Gdansk, Poland. (Poster)

Janssen, M., Ibenthal (now Toro), M., Böttcher, M.E., Westphal, J., Erkul, E., Koebsch. F., Jurasinski, G., Kreuzburg, M., Voss, M., Sültenfuß, J., Lennartz, B. 2018. Towards understanding complex flow and transport patterns in a coastal peatland- Baltic Sea continuum. TERENO, 8-12 October Berlin. (Talk)

Karow, N., Brede, M., Grundmann S. 2018. PIV-LIF Experiments on the Ground Water Discharge in Oceanic Bottom Boundary Layers. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA.

Karow, N., Groß, J., Grundmann, S., Brede, M. (2018) PIV-LIF Untersuchung des Grundwassereintrags in marinen Bodengrenzschichten bei verschiedenen Wellenszenarien, Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, 26. Fachtagung, 4.-6. September 2018 Rostock, Herausgeber: B. Ruck, C. Gromke, A. Leder, D. Dopheide.

Lange, X., Burchard, H. (2018) Wind-induced preconditioning of river plumes in non-tidal estuaries. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA.

Lange, X., Burchard, H. (2018) Preconditioning of river plumes in non-tidal estuaries. COMOD Workshop, 22-23 February 2018, Hamburg, Germany.

Lange, X., Burchard, H. (2018) Inversion of estuarine circulation in a non-tidal estuary. PECS Conference, 14-19 October 2018, Galveston, Texas, USA.

Langer, S., Vogts, A., Schulz-Vogt, H. 2018. Redox Sensitive Polyphosphates in Filamentous Sulfur Bacteria Visualized by NanoSIMS. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA. (Talk)

Langer, S., Vogts, A., Schulz-Vogt, H. 2018. Visualisation of intracellular polyphosphate with 18O- water and nanoSIMS. ISME Meeting, 12-17 August 2018, Leipzig, Germany. (Poster)

Kreuzburg, M., Westphal, J., M., Voss, M., Jurasinski, G., Rehder, G. 2018. Potential relationship between runoff from a coastal peat land on methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in shallow waters of the Baltic Sea. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA. (Talk)

Kreuzburg, M., Westphal, J., M., Voss, M., Jurasinski, G., Rehder, G. 2018. Influences of submarine groundwater discharge on carbon exchange from coastal sediments impacted by submerged peat: A column experiment study. Peat Under Water Workshop, 5th-6th September 2018 Salem/Malchin, Germany. (Poster)

Rezanezhad, R., Van Cappellen, P., Lennartz, B., Flow and Transport Processes and Biogeochemical Reactivity of Coastal Peatland Soils. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA.

Ritzenhofen, L., Friedland, R., Buer, A-L., Lange, X., Schernewski, G. (2018) "Mytilus spp. larvae distribution model for the Greifswalder Bodden" AMK Meeting 18-21 April 2018, Braunschweig, Germany.

Romoth, K., Voss, M., Schubert, H. 2018. Peat in Shallow Waters of the Baltic Sea as a Unique Substrate for Macrophytes. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA.

Schade, H.Forster, S., Lange, X., 2018. In situ investigation on advective influence in permeable sand. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA. (Talk)

Unger, V., Wen, X., Koebsch, F., Jurasinski, G., Liebner, S., Rehder, G.J., Boetcher, M.E. 2018. Production High, Consumption Low – Microbial Evidence for Heightened Methane Emissions in Rewetted Fens. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA. (Talk)

Wen, X., Unger, V., Jurasinski, G., Koebsch, F., Horn, F., Rehder, G., Sachs, T., Zak, D., Lischeid, G., Knorr, K.-H., Böttcher, M. E., Winkel, M., Bodelier, P. L. E., Liebner, S. (2018) Predominance of methanogens over methanotrophs in rewetted fens characterized by high methane emissions, Ecology of Soil Microorganisms conference, 17-21 June 2018, Helsinki, Finland, talk.

Westphal, J., Fernández Fernández, L.E., Rach, B., Schmiedinger, I., Kreuzburg, M., Koebsch, F., Michael E. Böttcher, M.E. 2018 Sulfur Isotope Biogeochemistry of Sediments and Soils from a temperate Coastal-Wetland Transition Zone, Southern Baltic Sea. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 11-16 February 2018, Portland, Oregon, USA. (Poster)

Westphal J., Moore, W.S., Scholten, J., Mallast, U., Ibenthal (now Toro), M., Kreuzburg, M. , Schmiedinger I., Böttcher, M.E. (2018) Spatial and seasonal variations of benthic-pelagic coupling in a coastal transition zone of the southern Baltic Sea. 2nd – 6th July 2018, Delmenhorst, Germany

Westphal J., Schmiedinger I., Scholten, J., Moore, W.S., Hsu, F.-H., Böttcher, M.E. (2018) Water and material exchange at the seawater - freshwater interface, southern Baltic Sea. FH-DGG, 21. – 24. March 2018, Bochum, Germany

Westphal J., Moore, W.S. , Scholten, J., Schmiedinger I., Hsu, F.-H., Böttcher, M.E. (2018) Spatial and seasonal variations of biogeochemical transformations in coastal sands under the impact of SGD in the southern Baltic Sea. SWIM, 17-22 June, Gdansk, Poland


Böttcher ME, Schmiedinger I, Jenner A-K, Böttcher G, Schwerdtfeger B, Lipka M, Westphal J, Dillner R: Hydrogeochemical and stable isotope geochemical characterization of shallow ground waters and submarine ground water discharge in North-Eastern Germany. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 (EGU 2017). Vienna, Austria, 23.04.2017 - 29.04.2017

Brunnabend, S-E., Meier, H.E.M., Lange, X. (2017) The influence of global mean sea level rise on Major Baltic Inflows. EGU General Assembly, 23–28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria.

Brunnabend, S.-E., Meier, H.E.M., Lange, X. (2017) Global mean sea level rise changes salt inflow into the Baltic Sea. Baltic Sea Science Congress, 12–16 June 2017, Rostock, Germany

Buer, A-L., Wegener, P., Katarzyte, M., Lange, X., Schernewski, G. (2017) Development of Bathing Water Quality along the German Baltic Coast and the Effects of a New Directive" AMK Meeting, 19-22 April 2017, Kiel, Germany.

Buer, A-L., Wegener, P., Katarzyte, M., Lange, X., Schernewski, G. (2017)Bathing Water Quality at the German Baltic coast: Long-term development, problems and challenges" Baltic Sea Science Congress, 12–16 June 2017, Rostock, Germany

Fernández, L., Westphal, J., Schmiedinger, I., Kreuzburg, M., Bahlo, R., Koebsch, F., Böttcher, M. 2017, European Geosciences Union (EGU2017-14335). Sulfur isotope biogeochemistry of soils from an episodically flooded coastal wetland, southern Baltic Sea. (Poster)

Fernández-Fernández LE, Westphal J, Schmiedinger I, Kreuzburg M, Bahlo R, Koebsch F, Böttcher ME: Sulfur isotope biogeochemistry of soils from an episodically flooded coastal wetland, southern Baltic Sea: Implications for proxy formation . GeoBremen2017 (GeoB17). Bremen, Germany, 24.09.2017 - 29.09.2017 

Fernández-Fernández LE, Westphal J, Schmiedinger I, Kreuzburg M, Bahlo R, Koebsch F, Böttcher ME: Sulfur isotope biogeochemistry of soils from an episodically flooded coastal wetland, southern Baltic Sea. 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress 2017 (BSSC 2017). Rostock, Germany, 12.06.2017 - 16.06.2017

Fernández Fernández LE, Westphal J, Schmiedinger I, Kreuzburg M, Bahlo R, Koebsch F, Böttcher ME: Sulfur isotope biogeochemistry of soils from an episodically flooded coastal wetland, southern Baltic Sea. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 (EGU 2017). Vienna, Austria, 23.04.2017 - 29.04.2017 (Poster)

Gosch L, Janssen M, Lennartz B 2017. Hydraulic conductivity of coastal fen peat as influenced by salinity. RRR2017, 26-28 September 2017, Greifswald, Germany. (Poster)

Gosch, L., Janssen, M., and Lennartz, B. 2017. Impact of the water salinity on the hydraulic conductivity of fen peat. EGU General Assembly, 23-28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria, EGU2017-12951.(Poster)

Haider, F., Sokolov, E., and Sokolova, I. 2017. Effects of salinity on burrowing behavior and bioenergetics of the soft shell clam Mya arenaria. 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress, 12-16 June 2017, Rostock, Germany. (Poster)

Ibenthal (now Toro), M., Ptak, T., Massmann, G., Lennartz, B. and Janssen, M. 2017a. Marine and terrestrial influence on submarine groundwater discharge in coastal waters connected to a peatland. EGU General Assembly, 23-28 April 2017, Vienna, Austria, EGU2017-12043. (Poster)

Ibenthal (now Toro), M., Ptak, T., Massmann, G., Lennartz, B. and Janssen, M. 2017b. Groundwater flow and salinity distribution between a coastal peatland and the Baltic Sea. The 11th Baltic Sea Sciences Congress, 12-16 June 2017, Rostock, Abstracts p. 150. (Talk)

Karow, N., Bestier, T., Grundmann, S., Brede, M., 2017, PIV-LIF Untersuchungen des Grundwassereintrags in marinen Bodengrenzschichten, Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik, 25. Fachtagung, 5.-7. September 2017 Karlsruhe, Herausgeber: B. Ruck, C. Gromke, A. Leder, D. Dopheide

Kreuzburg, M., Scholten, J., Hsu, F., Schlüter, M., Rapaglia, J., Schubert, M. 2017, 11th Baltic Sea Science Conference (BSSC). Submarine Groundwater discharge to the Eckernförde Bay, Baltic Sea: Towards a quantitative assessment. (Talk)

Kreuzburg, M., Voss, M., Jurasinski, G., Rehder, G. 2017, 11th Baltic Sea Science Conference (BSSC), Potential relationship between runoff from a coastal peat land on methane and nitrous oxide fluxes in shallow waters of the Baltic Sea. (Poster)

Lange, X., Burchard, H. (2017) The relative importance of wind straining and gravitational forcing in driving estuarine circulation. CERF conference, 5-9 November 2017, Providence, Rhode Island, USA.

Langer, S., Schulz-Vogt, H. 2017, First insights into the distribution of polyphosphates in a coastal zone of the Baltic Sea and in an adjacent peat (the ‘Hütelmoor’), 11th Baltic Sea Science Conference (BSSC). (Poster)

Lipka M, Schneider J, Schmiedinger I, Westphal J, Escher P, Sültenfuß J, Dellwig O, Winde V, Böttcher ME: Anoxic groundwaters as a source of CO2 and PO4 for the coastal southern Baltic Sea: The role of an iron curtain. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2017 (EGU 2017). Vienna, Austria, 23.04.2017 - 29.04.2017

Lipka M, Schneider J, Schmiedinger I, Westphal J, Escher P, Sültenfuß J, Dellwig O, Winde V, Böttcher ME: Ground water discharge into the southern Baltic Sea. Goldschmidt Conference 2017. Paris, France, 13.08.2017 - 18.08.2017

Romoth, K., Dietrich, A., Kempke, D., Nowak, P., Schubert, H. 2017. Morphological plasticity and acclimation limits of Fucus evanescens along the salinity gradient of the Baltic Sea. 11th International Phycology Congress- 13.-19. August 2017, Szczecin, Poland (Talk).

Romoth, K., Voss, M., Schubert, H. 2017. Peat in the Baltic Sea as a unique hard substrate for macrophyte growth. 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress 12-16 June 2017, Rostock, Germany (Poster).

Schade H, Romoth K, Niedzwiedz, G. 2017. Marine Science in a coastal transition zone. 10. Internationales KFT-Symposium, 2-3 November 2017, Warnemünde, Deutschland (Talk).

Schade HForster S. 2017. Permeability effects in a coastal sand. The 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress. 12-16 June 2017, Rostock, Germany (Poster).

Schaub, I., Karsten, U., Nausch, M., Alkaline Phosphatase activity (APA) in plankton communities of a eutrophic lagoon: P50 Schumann, R. Is APA a marker for phosphorus demand? The 11th Baltic Sea Science Congress. 12-16 June 2017, Rostock, Germany (Poster). 

Scholten, J., Kreuzburg, M,. Petermann, E., Lopes de Paiva, M., Köhler, D., Schlüter, M., Rapaglia J., Schubert, M. 2017, Goldschmidt Conference. 222Rn Surveys for the Detection of Submarine Groundwater Discharge: Why did the tracer fail in the Eckernförde Bay? (Talk)

Westphal J, Fernández Fernández LE, Rach B, Schmiedinger I, Kreuzburg M, Koebsch F, Böttcher ME 2017 Sulfur isotope biogeochemistry of sediments and soils from a temperate coastal-wetland transition zone, southern Baltic Sea. German Association of Stable Isotope Research, Annual Conference 2017 (GASIR 2017). Hannover, Germany, 09.10.2017 - 11.10.2017. (Poster)


Böttcher ME, Böttcher EO, Böttcher TMC, Westphal J, Lipka M, Schmiedinger I, Winde V: Fresh water sources for the North German coast: A multi isotope approach. Coastal systems in transition: From a 'natural' to an 'anthropogenically-modified' state (ECSA 56). Bremen, Germany, 04.09.2016 - 07.09.2016

Burchard, H., Lange, X., Purkiani, K. (2016) Wind straining versus estuarine circulation: exploring the parameter space. Ocean Sciences Meeting, 21-27 February 2016, New Orleans, LA, USA

Gosch, L., Liu, H. and Lennartz, B. 2016. Impact of the water salinity on the hydraulic conductivity of fen peat. 5th International Ecosummit, 29 August – 1 September 2016, Montpellier, France. (Poster)

Gründling-Pfaff S. 2016. Desiccation tolerance and temperature dependent growth of Klebsormidium and Coccomyxa, two green algal genera from polar soils. 6.-10.3.2016 Tagung der Sektion Phykologie, Leipzig (Poster)

Jordan SFA, Schmale O, Schulz-Vogt H (2016) Bubble Shuttle – bubble mediated transport of benthic methanotrophs into the water column. University of Hamburg, Youmares 7 – Young Marine Researchers, 11 - 13 September 2016, Hamburg, Germany. (Poster)

Kreuzburg, M., Voss, M., Jurasinski, G., Rehder, G. 2016. Potential impact of terrestrial nutrient input from a coastal peat land on the fluxes of climate relevant trace gases in shallow waters of the Baltic Sea. ECSA56_0228, Coastal Systems in transition “from a ‘natural’ to an ‘anthropogenically-modified’ state”, reference number O5.61. (Talk)

Lange, X., Burchard, H. (2016)The relative importance of wind straining in a non-tidal estuary. PECS conference, 9-14 October 2016, Den Haag, The Netherlands

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