Baltic TRANSCOAST Research

Baltic TRANSCOAST - The German Baltic Sea Coast as Terrestrial-Marine Interface of Water and Matter Fluxes.
Funding reference: GRK 2000
Funded by: German Research Foundation - DFG.
1st funding period: 01.01.2016-30.06.2020.
2nd funding period: 1.07.2020-31.12.2024.
Baltic TRANSCOASTinvestigates the water and solute exchange between land and sea across the coastal ecocline in an interdisciplinary team bringing together marine and terrestrial scientists.
We regard the coastal ecocline as a continuum and focus our research on three, strongly interrelated research fields, namely hydrodynamic, (bio)geochemical and biological processes.
Co-operations across the research fields underline the interdisciplinary character of the research training group. Closely linked investigations will be conducted by all PhD students at one common study site, the nature reserve "Heiligensee and Hütelmoor", north-east of the city of Rostock.
The research is supported by existing high-end infrastructure provided by both hosting institutions University of Rostock and the Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research Rostock-Warnemünde (IOW).
Flyer Baltic TRANSCOAST here as PDF.