
Prof. Dr. Bernd Lennartz

Prof. Dr. Bernd Lennartz (Spokesperson)

Steering Committee

Soil Physics
University of Rostock

phone: +49-381-498-3180

Soil Hydrology, Solute Transport in Soil and Water Systems, Water Management 

Dr. Maren Voss

Prof. Dr. Maren Voß (Vice Spokesperson)

Steering Committee

Biological Oceanography
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research

phone: +49-381-5197-209

Biological Oceanography, Nitrogen Cycle, Eutrophication

Dr. Manon Janssen

Dr. Manon Janssen

Steering Committee

Soil Physics
University of Rostock

Phone: +49-381-498-3189

Hydrology of Soil and Groundwater, Solute Transport

Dr. Gerald Jurasinski

Dr. Gerald Jurasinski

Steering Committee

Landscape Ecology and Site Evaluation
University of Rostock

phone: +49-381-498-3225

Landscape Ecology, Vegetation Ecology, Ecoystem Exchange of Greenhouse Gases

Prof. Dr. Hans Burchard

Prof. Dr. Hans Burchard

Physical Oceanography and Instrumentation
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research

phone: +49-381-5197-140

Physical Oceanography, Numerical Modelling

Dr. Stefan Forster

PD Dr. Stefan Forster

Marine Biology
University of Rostock

phone: +49-381-498-6053

Benthos Biology, Biochemistry, Material Cycles and Interactions

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Schubert

Prof. Dr. Hendrik Schubert

Aquatic Ecology
University of Rostock

phone: +49-381-498-6070

Ecophysiology of Algae, Ecology of Brackish Water

Dr. Martin Brede

Dr. Martin Brede

Fluid mechanics
University of Rostock

phone: +49-381-498-9316

Fluid Mechanics, Laser Methods, Microfluids

Prof. Dr. Ulf Karsten

Prof. Dr. Ulf Karsten

Phycology and Applied Ecology
University of Rostock

phone: +49-381-498-6090

Ecology, Physiology, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Micro-Algae and Cyanobacteria

Prof. Dr. Inna Sokolova

Prof. Dr. Inna Sokolova 

Marine Biology
University of Rostock

phone: +49-381-498- 6050

Environmental Physiology and Toxicology of Marine Organisms

Prof. Dr. Michael Böttcher

Prof. Dr. Michael Böttcher

Geochemistry and Isotope Biogeochemistry
Leibniz-Institute for Baltic Sea Research

phone: +49-381-5197-402
michael.boettcher(at) io-warnemuende.de

Biogeochemistry, Stable Isotope Geochemistry, Aquatic Geochemistry, Material Cycles

Prof. Dr. Heide Schulz-Vogt

Prof. Dr. Heide Schulz-Vogt

Biological Oceanography
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research

phone: +49-381-5197-200

Microbial Ecology, Geomicrobiology, Microbial Ecophysiology

Prof. Dr. Gregor Rehder

Marine Chemistry
Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research

phone: +49-381-5197-336

Chemical Oceanography, Marine Chemistry, Methan Cycle, Gas Exchange