PhD Students (1. cohort, from 2016)

Julia Westphal

Julia Westphal

Diploma in Landuse and Water Management
PhD Student
DFG Research Training Group Baltic TRANSCOAST

phone: +49 381-5197- 295

G1 "The influence of terristrial input on fluxes from and element (C-N-S-P, metals) transformations in shallow water sands of the Baltic Sea coast"


Nils Karow

Dr. Nils Karow (graduated 2019)

M.Sc. - Fluid Mechanics and Turbo-Machine
PhD Student
DFG Research Training Group Baltic TRANSCOAST

phone: +49 381-498-9316

H4 "Waves and turbulence on wavy coastal seabeds inducing vertical scalar transport"

Fouzia Haider

Dr. Fouzia Haider (graduated 2019)

M.Sc. in Marine Biology
PhD Student
DFG Research Training Group Baltic TRANSCOAST

Now PostDoc at MacMillan Lab, Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Katharina Romoth

Dr. Katharina Romoth (graduated 2020)

M.Sc. in Marine Environmental Sciences
PhD Student
DFG Research Training Group Baltic TRANSCOAST

phone: +49 381-498-6074

B1 "Impact of nutrient emissions from land on the species composition and productivity of communities of macrophytes in shallow waters"

Dr. Lennart Gosch (graduated in 2021)

now at Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft

Now coordinator Project  Moorverträgliche Bewirtschaftungsmaßnahmen



Hanna Schade

Dr. Hanna Schade (graduated 2019)

M.Sc. in Biological Oceanography

now at BioConsult


B4 "Factors controlling transport and matter cycling at the sediment-water-interface"

Simon Langer

Dr. Simon Langer (graduated 2019)

M.Sc. in Marine Microbiology
PhD Student
DFG Research Training Group Baltic TRANSCOAST

phone: +49 381-5197- 3427

B3 "Microbial life and the phosphorus cycle along the terrestrial to marine gradient"

Miriam Ibenthal

Dr. Miriam Ibenthal (now Toro) (graduated 2020)

M.Sc. in Hydrogeology and Environmental Geoscience
PhD Student
DFG Research Training Group Baltic TRANSCOAST

phone: +49 381-498-3191

H1 "Marine and terrestrial influence on submarine groundwater discharge in coastal waters"

Viktoria Unger

Viktoria Unger (graduated in 2021)

now Research Group Leader at University of Hamburg