Baltic TRANSCOAST Retreat on Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Baltic TRANSCOAST Retreat in Alt Schwerin

Group picture of all Baltic TRANSCOAST scientists.
Mercator-Fellow Prof. Reza Nezhad presenting an overview of his work.

On 29 and 30 June, all principal investigators and 3rd cohort PhD-candidates of Baltic TRANSCOAST met for a two-day retreat near Plauer See.

Supported by Mercartor-Fellow Prof. Reza Nezhad, who visited form the University of Waterloo (Canada), the scientists discussed possibilities for interdisciplinary collaboration. A focus of the retreat also was the discussion of the general findings of our Research Training Group, as the maximum funding period will be finished by the end of next year. Everyone was impressed and excited by the amount of work done and insights gained by three cohorts of Baltic TRANSCOAST PhD-candidates in the past 7.5 years.